WTF Hike#4 Sunday 20 Sept. 2020

Zurich Intergroup WTF Hike #4  – 20 Sept. 2020
WTF (Walking Through Fellowship) hikes are curated to combine beautiful outdoor hiking with fellowship among other recovering alcoholics.
Typically, +-12 hikers (family/friends always welcome) participate. We take it easy – 3-5 hours total time depending on return route home.
Our newest hike, led by Marika, is maybe the most popular hike for locals and tourists. Uetliberg has multiple trails from base to gipfel, so Marika will designate one for the group at the start. But if you prefer, take the train (S10) to the Top-of-Zurich and walk to Annaburg picnic shelter where we’ll all enjoy a meeting and lunch together.
See flyer PDF for download and details. Pass the news around and join us trudging the Uetliberg Sunday 20.09.20.[gview file=””]