Came to Believe Meeting Summer Gathering Event ** NEW DATE : Sat 24th August 2024 **

This event is now scheduled to happen on Saturday 24th August 2024 – 15:00 at Bäckeranlage Park – 8004 Zürich – weather permitting. We ask everyone with intentions to attend to kindly RSVP to This help us plan effectively and ensures seamless communication (in case of bad weather forecast) also preventing unnecessary over-provisioning.


What up! What Up! Let’s celebrate the Grup!   It’s been four years Filled with laughter and some tears Let’s celebrate the unity Of our beloved community Gather in service, happy and free To acknowledge YPAA and our recovery!   On Thursday May 23rd, our GRUP will open the doors at 17:30 to celebrate 4 years of Young…

ZURICH OPENAIR – Fellowship Event

A sober fun seeking, music loving group of different ages will be going to the Zurich Openair. The concerts take place in the evenings during the week, and start in the afternoon on Friday & Saturday. So, we’ll be having an AA meeting point where we will be meeting during the opening hours (no sleeping…
