Even at present when the majority of our regular meetings are not meeting physically, please consider that our Intergroup continues to have expenses, including the online zoom meetings now available for the entire Fellowship.
In order for us to remain fully self-supporting through our own contributions, please give freely of what you can by making a donation to the following account.
As always, remember that we need YOU more than we need your money.
If you wish you can donate via bank transfer to PostFinance.
Account holder:
AA Zurich InterGroup – 8000 Zürich
CH93 0900 0000 8945 5313 3
Personal 7th OR Group Donation
Donors must annotate the transfer stating unequivocally that the purpose of the transfer is a donation to InterGroup Zurich and identifying the beneficial owner of the monies transferred, e.g. “on behalf of myself” or “on behalf of the Zurich Friday Evening Whole in the Doughnut Group,” etc.
Transfers that are not identifiable as to the purpose and beneficial ownership cannot be accepted.
AA Zurich InterGroup shall not be liable for any errors that may occur in connection with such transfers.