There is a new Conference question which needs our input. In the past year, there have been drastic changes in the way we try to carry the message of AA. We were fortunate Zurich IG offered a quick solution for groups who wished it. I live on the border of Italy and Switzerland (Ticino), and all the groups in Piemonte closed and many friends have relapsed into oblivion. In certain parts of Colombia, they did not have money to open a zoom account so a Colombian AA friend living in Switzerland opened one. Now groups in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru are sharing it. Never before have we seen such unity and the ability to adapt as best we can. This pandemic has shown us that AA must continue to live or most of us will surely die.
Who: I am writing to ask all our GSRs, Groups and AA members to bring this ONE conference question to your group(s), collect feedback and come share it at our upcoming IG meeting event – open to the whole fellowship. The (zoom) meeting is scheduled on:
When: Sunday 21 March 2021 11:00-12:00
Where: (waiting room mandatory)
Co-Hosts: Barbara P. +41 79 651 16 44, CER representative for Zürich IG
Joel B. +41 79 703 8003, Zürich IG Activities Coordinator
What: Extraordinary IG Event to collect GSRs’/groups’/members’ input to the Conference Question which reads as follows:
Would the Fellowship share experience of the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on AA Zurich, Basel, Lugano, Schaffhausen, and Zug at the group level and make recommendations on suitable commitments and an appropriate service path for newcomers at online meetings?
Things to consider:
- Contactless Tradition 7 payments, as discussed at Conference 2018 Committee 2 Q1; regular direct debit bank transfers from members to groups, intergroups or GSO.
- How online groups may become part of the structure of AA GB (e.g. to join existing Intergroups or create an online Intergroup).
- Tradition 4 – each group is autonomous etc.
- Hybrid meetings with face to face facility shared with online facility.
- Multi-meeting groups so that rental costs can be shared amongst two or more meetings.
- Groups moving from church and community halls into lecture theatres in universities and hospitals for greater meeting capacity, projector & screen facilities and social distancing.
- It could be helpful to identify online service roles for those in early sobriety. In physical meetings, a common progression might be from tea-making and greeting, through literature and secretary/treasurer, then to a GSR role and ultimately service outside the group.
Consider the contribution to the carrying of the message, financial and practical implications when deliberating each question.
PDF of all 2021 Conference Questions:
Unable to attend?
If you cannot attend, groups can still submit feedback via this online form until 30.03.21,or by email to CER’s Conference Delegates: